
2025-01-06 21:22 浏览次数 2



v. 槽内洗选(trunk的ing形式)

n. 线槽;中继;敷设干线

trunking 英语释义


    1. an act or instance of employing a trunk

    2. a casing to protect electrical conductors

    3. trunk sense 5d(1)

    4. the provision of adequate trunks and switching facilities in either a manual or automatic communications system

    5. the interconnections provided

trunking 片语


skirting trunking裙脚线槽

trunk line干线;中继线,长途电话线

trunking matrix二极管开关输出矩阵

trunk stream[水文] 干流;[水文] 主流

Trunking Overview中继概述

Instrument trunking仪表槽板

trunking efficiency集群效率

trunk amplifier[电子] 干线放大器

trunk road[公路] 干道;干线道路

trunking diagram中继系统图

tree trunk[林] 树干

Virtual Trunking虚拟中继

elephant trunk[建] 象鼻管;溜管

Trunking transport长途干线运输

tandem trunking汇接中继

sympathetic trunk[解剖] 交感干;交感神经干

trunking 例句


  • install electromechanical, analog and digital trunking systems, circuits and equipment in telecommunications central offices and switching centres.


  • to enable trunking on a 2-port link, use enable sharing 47 grouping 47-48 (group ports 47 and 48, with 47 as the primary).

    要在2个端口的连接上启用中继,使用enablesharing47grouping47-48 (把端口47和48组合起来,47作为主端口)。

  • in a point to point encryption of the tetra system, the trunking system does not participate in the key generation and management, and only provides the clear channel for transportation.


  • this paper introduced the characteristic of ambe vocoder, and then recounted the application of ambe -2000 vocoder chip in a voice coding module of the digital trunking system.


  • add_vlan_ids: if trunking is enabled, then this parameter accepts the additional vlans.


  • these cables are used for general purpose, building wire for power, lighting and control wiring. they can be place into trunking and conduit.


  • trunking media gateway transmits media stream between ip and circuit switching networks, implements interworking of ip and circuit switching networks with signaling gateway in softswitch network.


  • on the basis of the trend and the situation of the police trunking system in use, this paper proposes a constructing scheme to make best use of current resources.


  • yahsat will provide customers with innovative solutions for broadcasting services, internet trunking via satellite, corporate data networks and backhauling services to telecom operators.


  • terminal based on tetra digital trunking mobile communication system could send and receive status and short data service message, and achieve navigation and location through short data service.


  • this scheme provides the automatic trunking ability for pabx to enter the telephone network and connent with other pabx easily.


  • a kind of modified packet reservation random access protocol for digital trunking systems is studied, which could reduce collisions among packet reservations and increase the system's throughout.


  • in this paper, the developing background of the digital trunking system is firstly introduced, as well as the general network architecture designing.


  • configure, verify, and troubleshoot trunking on cisco switches


  • two other cables from the receiving equipment drop in trunking in the central service duct of the tower block and then continue underground in 25 mm polythene conduit.

    另外两个电缆从在大楼中央服务管中继接收设备,然后继续下跌地下25毫米聚乙 烯管道。

  • it located on the edge of the network and accessed the trunking system into ip network from the kernel network angle.


  • the necessary protocols and condition of ip network are also discussed according to the special character of trunking group call switch.


  • the tetra trunking facility provides a pooling of all radio channels which are then allocated on demand to individual users.


  • trunking media gateway transmits media stream between ip and circuit switching networks, implements interworking of ip and circuit switching networks with signaling gateway in softswitch network.


  • the paper describes the applications of mx429 in trunking mobile communication system.


  • the wire harnesses are covered with skirtings and the ceiling trunking is finished with a timber cover.

