around the size of a domestic cat, it creeps around the rainforests of madagascar, drumming its fingers on tree trunks - up to 40 times a minute - listening for subtle variations in pitch.
munk says this makes sense, given the fact that many of the trees in the amazon rainforest have trunks covered in white lichens.
the cypress trunks themselves brought to mind the sturdy legs of large dinosaurs.
they jab tree trunks to toughen their hands and practice squatting with other students sitting on their shoulders to build leg strength.
perhaps that is why long after we have climbed down their trunks we still gaze at trees in awe.
the trees that surrendered to the winds of more than 200 miles per hour became weapons of destruction, the trunks crumpling cars and houses and the branches sailing off as missiles.
laughing, they run together into a stand of willows. their trunks are as gnarled as bonsai. long faintly glowing tendrils hang straight down in pastel curtains.
the cat also relies on long claws and highly flexible ankles to scramble among the trees - and even shimmy down tree trunks like a squirrel.
most were young, with such spindly branches that they resembled bushes more than trees, but there were also a few specimens with trunks the width of fire hydrants.
the clogs were made in one piece of the trunks of walnut trees which formed a rectangle with its roots.
green fireflies spattered lights across the air and illumined for seconds, now here, now there, the pale trunks of enormous, solitary trees.
after an hour of hiking we hit a big blow-down area, with tree trunks scattered like pick-up sticks across the trail.
it barely takes a minute to transform giant trunks into building material.
football-shaped pods —striped in yellow and green and orange and brown —jut out from the trunks and branches of the cacao trees.