in the trusted host name field, enter the name of the system that you wish to register as a trusted host (typically the physical server name, for instance servername).
在trusted hostname字段中,输入想将其注册为可信主机的系统的名称(通常指的是物理服务器名,例如servername)。
host-based authentication in ssh is used when a user on a trusted host wants to log on to a remote machine, which could be an untrusted system.
using the following config settings, a user on a trusted host can log onto the remote machine without providing the password.
the runtime uses evidence provided by a trusted host or by the loader to determine which code groups the code belongs to and, therefore, which permissions the code is granted.
creating a trusted host environment using ssh
this information, called evidence, is provided by the loader or a trusted host and can include items such as the digital signature of the assembly or the web site where it originates.
this will create a trusted host entry on the policy server.
这将在policyserver 上将创建一个可信主机条目。
a trusted host can provide information (evidence) to the runtime about assemblies that are loaded into the application domain.
受信任的主应用程式可将有关载入应用程式定义域中的组件资讯 (辨识项)提供给执行阶段。