They called upon the World Bank Group to work with donors and organizations to develop a multilateral trust fund to scale-up agricultural assistance to low income countries.
The trust fund holds Treasury bonds; when these are redeemed, the needed cash can be raised only by borrowing, taxing, or cutting other programs.
It「s envisaged the trust fund could also help developing countries share expertise in areas such as.
In 1983, when the trust fund was nearly exhausted, a presidential commission proposed fixes but underestimated their effects.
Second, in cooperation with other Security Council members, authorize the establishment of a United Nations-administered trust fund for the victims of atrocities.
Among the ideas being discussed is the use of a donor trust fund and setting up a management structure for those funds with government and non government representatives.
The G-20 has called upon the World Bank to work with interested donors and organizations to deliver a multilateral trust fund to scale up agricultural assistance to low income countries.