1. the truth or falsity of a proposition or statement
truth value 片语
Truth-value theory真值论
truth-value function[数]
truth-value gaps真值间隙
truth of value价值真理
truth-value space真值空间
truth and value真理与价值
truth-value conditions真值条件
truth value 例句
Synthetic truth should have its limitation form, and Tarski's truth value form can be revised to express the synthetic truth of dialectical materialism.
What do you know? Do you the truth value of this.
Some propositions are true for any truth value of their variables. Such propositions are called tautology.
In a temporal logic, statements can have a truth value which can vary in time.
The truth value table is both a kind of logic approach widely used in formal logic and a very useful tool.
Student: yes Prof.: okay and yet the truth value of that is true and the truth value of that is true and that is true as well.
Traditional grammar studies English conditionals in terms of truth value and logic while pragmatics from the angle of speech acts and speech meta-representation.