if i fall down, what do i do? i am gonna try again and again because the moment i give up is the moment that i「ll fail.
if you don」t get the result that you want just try again and again and again till you found the right way to do it.
you need try again and again before really break up if you have been together for long.
i am gonna try again and again because the moment i give up is the moment that i’ll fail.
don「t lose heart. you must try again and again until you succeed.
learning new things requires patience. sometimes i have to try again and again before i get it right.
successful people learn from defeats, revise their strategy as needed and try again and again until they succeed.
almost every major accomplishment in a person」s life starts with the decision to try again and again – to get up after every failed attempt and give it another shot.
due to such boundaries, such forces try again and again to con ascending initiates into allowing them to piggyback and move off of earth through one's ascent.