1. any of a genus (Trypanosoma) of parasitic flagellate protozoans that infest the blood of various vertebrates including humans, are usually transmitted by the bite of an insect, and include some that cause serious diseases (such as sleeping sickness and Chagas disease)
2. any flagellate of the genus Trypanosoma
trypanosome 片语
trypanosome fever翻译
trypanosome evansi伊氏锥虫
Trypanosome cruzi克氏锥虫
luis trypanosome路氏锥虫
fish trypanosome鱼类锥虫
trypanosome disease锥虫病
trypanosome chancre锥虫性下疳
trypanosome kinetoplastdna锥虫动基体DNA
nonpathogenic trypanosome非致病性锥虫
trypanosome 例句
To obtain genetic stable strain, we evaluated the clearance of symbionts in tsetse, impact of vitamin supplement on fly fertility and relationship between symbiont and trypanosome infection.
This is highly related to the trypanosome lytic factor (TLF) found in normal human serum (NHS) and the serum resistance-associated (SRA) protein of trypanosomes infectious to human.