1. a crystalline amine C10H12N2 derived from tryptophan
2. a crystalline amine C10H12N2 derived from tryptophan also any of various substituted derivatives of this amine of which some are significantly hallucinogenic or neurotoxic
tryptamine 片语
tryptamine pathway色胺途径
tryptamine e色胺
tryptamine N b amide色胺
Tryptamine hydrochloride色胺盐酸盐
active tryptamine detection活性色胺类物质检测
Tryptamine hydrochlorideCAS色胺盐酸盐
5- hydroxyl tryptamine羟色胺
substituted tryptamine色胺取代物
tryptamine 例句
Metabolite-to-metabolite correlation analysis revealed the presence of mutant-specific networks between tryptamine and other primary metabolites in the roots.
In vitro, STR enzymatic assay was measured indirectly by fluorimetrically detecting depletion of tryptamine feeding on secologanin in the reaction mixture.