abbr. 促甲状腺激素(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
2025-01-06 21:23 浏览次数 2
abbr. 促甲状腺激素(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
TSH受体tsh receptor
tsh cells促甲状腺激素细胞
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Tsh Owenreider奥森蕾德
Neonatal TSH新生儿促甲状腺素
TSH cell促甲状腺激素细胞
mouse TSH小鼠促甲状腺素
Results showed that average serum T4 in cretinist patients was lower and TSH higher than those in normal controls (P
Objective To evaluate the analytical performance of TSH for diagnostic accuracy in hyperthyroidism.
Methods The neonatal cord blood TSH levels were measured by immunoradiometric assay (IRMA).
Understanding the progressive and multicenter formation of nodular goiter, properly applied operation and regular postoperative TSH suppressive can effectively prevent recurrence.
Objective To establish neonatal cord blood TSH cut off point for fiting China actual condition as soon as possible.
Methods: After eating iodine salt, the uric iodine of 8-10 years old children and population with special need and the TSH level of infant umbilical blood were following-up visited.
方法:食用加碘盐后,对8 ~ 10岁学龄儿童、特需人群和新生儿甲低筛查进行跟蹤观察,测定尿碘、甲状腺肿大率和脐血tsh水平。
Treatment is necessary when TSH is 10 or more, regardless of the T4 level.
Thyroid hormones and TSH in serum and in cerebrum of filial mice were determined at the postnatal 0, 14th and 28th day.
Two weeks after final immunization, the mice were killed and serum thyroxine levels and anti TSH receptor antibodies were examined.
Conclusion the TSH level of pregnant women can reflect the thyroid function and iodine nutrition condition.
The new guidelines recommend that before trying to conceive, clinicians should adjust the patient's medication dose with a TSH goal of less than 2.5.
Conclusions As a growth stimulating factor, TSH can modulate cultured thyroid cell proliferation and differentiation through the same signal molecule.
How do you approach the problem of TSH elevation in a patient on high-dose thyroid hormone replacement?
If the TSH is greater than 2.5 at any time during pregnancy, T4 levels should be checked to determine whether the hypothyroidism is overt or subclinical.
在孕期的任何时候,如果TSH水平高于2.5,则应该检测t 4水平,以明确是否存在显性的或亚临床的甲状腺功能减退癥。
Neonatal TSH screening may be a more sensitive index for monitoring IDD.
The relative potency of national TSH standard to 2~(nd) international reference preparation was 0.942. However, there was some difference between each immunoassay methods.
The GH( PIGF 1( Pand TSH (Plevels in colostrum were also markedly enhanced, but total protein content was not greatly changed.
However, the researchers point out that 12 of this group of women with raised TSH (30%) were not considered to be at high risk.