Among various Hong Kong directors who constructed Hong Kong allegory through exotic stories, Tsui Hark is an important case that should not be disregarded.
Use any two films of Tsui Hark to illustrate his personal style and the allegorical messages implied in them.
Peking Opera Blues: my absolute favorite movie (not just my favorite Hong Kong, Tsui Hark or Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia movie), even with one of the worst sub - titling jobs I have ever seen.
Q. What「s the main difference between John Woo and Tsui Hark about their relations with actors?
Tsui Hark is a good director.
Tsui Hark said. " ** this movie is a wish that has haunted me for 40 years.
Hong Kong」s Tsui Hark in the studio 「Liaozhaizhiyi」 in-depth understanding of their 「Nie Xiaoqian,」 an adaptation of a film 「Qiannvyouhun.」
「I don「t worry about whether the young generation will accept and like the movie,」 Tsui Hark said.
Tsui Hark 」success in the past, greatly because his film did good at plot of story and portray of personage too.
It is directed by Tsui Hark in a swirl of colors and non stop motion, but it also has an emotional center that draws you in like a vortex and never lets you go.