abbr. 培训师培训(Training The Trainer);麝香草酚浊度试验(Thymol Turbity Test);到达目标时间(Time-to-Target)
TTT 片语
TTT-abbr. 培训师培训(Training The Trainer);麝香草酚浊度试验(Thymol Turbity Test);到达目标时间(Time-to-Target)
TTT order广义TTT变换序
TTT XM速换模系统
ttt diagrams等温转变图
ttt diagramttt图
JJJ TTT合肥英特进出口有限责任公司
TTT MTEXT创建多行文字对象
ttt graphttt图
TTT 例句
We will discuss the molecular mechanism and clinical effect of TTT in treatment of CNV in this research.
Results Among the 8 eyes with peripheral retinal detachment in 12 cases of CCH the peripheral subretinal fluid was completely absorbed in 6 eyes, and partially absorbed in 2 eyes after TTT treatment.
ConclusionMost of the post-exercise syncope were vasodepressor syncope. TTT is the first choice to distinguish post-exercise syncope with a negative tread-mill exercise testing.
Results Of the 186 post-exercise syncope patients, 141 had a positive TTT results(75.81%), most of them were male(102/141). Most of the syncope were vasodepressor syncope(106/141).