One day, when skimming through a newspaper, Tuan read a comment on Yuan Longpin.
Ring Tuan 「s economic structure relies mainly on agriculture, and Bing Tuan」 s high agriculture education plays support roles in Bing Tuan's agriculture.
Tuan sketched a village in the northern province of Vinh Phuc which he and his comrades operated across.first.
Dinh Minh Tuan from Vietnam says rewards are important because they prepare students for a competitive life.
越南的Dinh Minh Tuan谈到,奖励是很重要的,因为这为学生提供了一个竞争的环境。
We in the later one, we ordinary people can only look up the understanding not only to look, Tuan Tuan endless rivers sigh.
The article, Simpson described Tuan: 「the soldier called le Tuan was very young. He was educated.」
The distinction between Jian Yin and Tuan Yin is the most obvious pronunciation feature of Shandong Linyi dialect.
The next year, Tuan was sunburnt but satisfied with his production very much.
Nu Wa legend in the rock Lian Sky, Tuan home - made, to leave the world a good image.
Senior Lieutenant Colonel Tran Thanh Hang, who is responsible for receiving war memorabilia donated to the museum, said as yet, no one knows who le D. Tuan was.
Another good sign: commentators in China claim Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan genuinely like each other.
Tuan was a farmer in Vietnam. For decades, he had been struggling to rid his family of hunger.
Le Tuan had walked a thousand miles. The sketches and the book of verse were very important for him.