tune in to中文,tune in to的意思,tune in to翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:25 浏览次数 2

tune in to

英[tju:n in tu:]美[tun ɪn tu]


tune in to 例句


  • You can tune in to AOL Radio, Bloomberg, BBC, or search for more stations manually or by your location.


  • In fact, when I do happen to occasionally tune in to these sources I find it reaffirms that I don「t need to be paying attention to them.


  • Sold under the company」s new name, Sony, the radio used five transistors to tune in to multiple am channels.


  • To tune in to its whisper, you have to turn down the volume in your busy, noisy, complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all.


  • British viewers will be able to tune in to the show from 3.30am on Monday morning.


  • When you choose to study the same way for every type of assessment, you「re failing to tune in to some of your test」s fine details which can cost you points.


  • The key is to really tune in to her and notice how she is responding.


  • If you「re a huge soccer fan, tune in to the game.


  • Before you tune in to listen to the music, you may want to know what the critics have said.


  • It」s a survival skill, and it can allow you to tune in to a potential problem.


  • People who「d read it on TMZ were eager to click on over or tune in to find a more familiar, and trustworthy, news organization」s version of the story.


  • Indeed many were surprised how easily and accurately they could tune in to either one of the messages, and even shift their attention back and forth between the two.


  • I happened to tune in to your program that day.


  • As you close your eyes and tune in to your imagination, you sense a soft glowing warmth begin to surround and pulsate around your body.


  • Please tune in to HBO for the latest episode of Entourage.


  • Sports fans who are turned off by the sometimes brutal intensity of ice hockey can tune in to the gentler figure skating competition.


  • Massage helps us tune in to our emotional and spiritual selves.


  • Find an Activity you Enjoy. It「s important to find a hobby that helps you tune in to your spirit.


  • Microsoft on Tuesday confirmed its plans to take on the iPod Touch with a new, touch-screen Zune that will be able to surf the Web, play high-definition movies, and tune in to digital radio.

    微软本周二确认ZuneHD将于今年秋季登录美国市场 ,这是一款采用OLED显示面板和触摸屏设计的播放器产品,产品具备网页浏览,高清收音机以及播放高清视频等功能。 使用 Windows CE操作系统,并且将内置一种专为触摸屏优化的IE浏览器版本。

  • There」s always the possibility that younger people tune in to see what the fuss is about, or even make Crystal a kind of mascot, Betty White-style, though that seems unlikely.

