with a small amount of effort, children of average hearing are able to tune out audible distractions such as road noise, air conditioning, and chatter.
when you’re at a cocktail party, can you tune out the conversations of other people?
don’t tune out yet, though: this is not a permanent thing, but call it an experiment instead.
people don「t just tune out in the middle of a story.
in a time of change, young people often put self-interest in the first place and tune out social commitment.
jake: something`s going on ,steven. people don`t just tune out in the middle of a story.
and just because you are looking at things more objectively now does not mean you should tune out your sixth sense when it strikes you.
and you」re probably desperately trying to tune out the empty rhetoric that passes for debate over the financial-reform bill in the senate these days.
sometimes the inj「s private world overtakes the inj to the point that they completely tune out their environment.
ms. lovich adds: 」we wanted to teach people that you can tune out completely' for a while and still turn out good work.
so there’s never a point at which you can just tune out and consider your work done.
所以没有任何一个点是你可以直接忽略而去考虑工作的。 集中注意力。
we must tune out the idiots to achieve any kind of sanity or serenity. but how? here are four ways that have worked for me.
the format becomes too repetitive - if the same format is used time after eventually team members will become bored and tune out during the retrospective.