it simply means you need to get rid of your tunnel vision and start searching in other directions.
many students have tunnel vision when it comes to choosing their major - they pick their major on the assumption it「s the only fast track to their lucrative dream job.
both examples are performance outcomes that can be predicted from what we know about cognitive narrowing or tunnel vision under time pressure.
the mind goes into tunnel vision as it focuses on the threat and loses the bigger picture.
our first tunnel vision volume for hd is a wild ride of fast forward motion.
tunnel vision blocks the smell of moss on the cliffside, the tinkling of a waterfall halfway down. but the adrenalin rush, legs hollow and wobbly, ensures it is a memorable experience.
tunnel vision : the tendency to focus only on the immediate crisis or sore spot. under stress, things look worse or more complex than they really are.
your habit of tunnel vision — seeing only what you want to become, but are not — keeps you from acknowledging your accomplishments and victories.
i was worried that because of the cheek protection, i would experience the tunnel vision effect.
you could make a game according to your own tunnel vision and then, fingers crossed, if you get lucky, people will pick it up.
it simply get rid of your tunnel vision and start searching in other directions.
symptoms start with decreased night vision and later progress to tunnel vision and often to blindness.
a researcher explains that men and women are biologically different in how they see house cleaning men have tunnel vision compared to emu shoes women」s wide field of vision.
you get tunnel vision and you interact in a way that almost always makes your situation worse.
tunnel vision told us that the universe has no ultimate, endless in knowledge.