new types of tiny combined heat and power plants are able to turn about half the energy in fuel into electricity, almost matching the efficiency of huge generators.
look at your talk and pick out a few words or sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor.
if i love you, i appear when we get together, and turn about to leave with a smile.
「why, so, 」 he replied: 「you take a line ashore there on the other side at low water, take a turn about one of them big pines; bring it back, take a turn around the capstan, and lie to for the tide.
that other parts of the tool turn about it .
miss eliza bennet, let me persuade you to follow my example, and take a turn about the room.
then he put on his hat and went for a turn about the block.
in the desperation of her feelings she resolved on one effort more; and turning to elizabeth, said, 」miss eliza bennet, let me persuade you to follow my example, and take a turn about the room.
large, modern gas-fired power stations can turn about 60% of the energy in fuel into electricity. the rest is lost as waste heat.
the machine can turn about 200 kinds of the metric, imperial, module and dp thread with knob, no need to change gears.
gerardo miranda said he was so nervous he made a wrong turn about a mile from the hospital.
if it's doomed to be strangers, then let us turn about firmly, forgetting the past, forgetting to cry.
after a year of almost continuous retreat in africa, sicily , and italy, the german troops were glad to turn about and fight.
turn about and aided by a shaky handrail up to the first floor.
jimi greets me warmly, but doesn’t linger, and soon i am perched in a corner while she asks each woman in turn about her case.
dm having looked at time flying about in profution on the main street, turn about to inspect these again , be to feel chinese design is indeed ought to improve well.