turning radius中文,turning radius的意思,turning radius翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:27 浏览次数 10

turning radius

英[ˈtɜ:nɪŋ ˈreidjəs]美[ˈtənɪŋ ˈrediəs]

转弯半径,[机] 回转半径;旋转半径

turning radius 片语


bending radius弯曲半径;转弯半径

Short Turning Radius转弯半径小

ultrashort turning-radius hori zontal well超短曲率半径水平井

Maximum turning radius最大回转半径

wheel turning radius机轮转弯半径

radius of gyration[力] 回转半径

steady turning radius稳定回转半径

turning circle radius回旋圈半径

Turning radius outside转弯半径

Min Turning Radius最小转弯半径

turning radius 例句


  • a mathematical regression model on right-turning saturation flow was then established with the effect of lane width and turning radius being taken into .


  • for spiral turning the turning radius is decided by the mass, pitch angle, roll angle and hydrodynamic parameter.


  • the minimum turning radius and the maximum turning angle were determined through paddy field testing and the stability was ensured.


  • these include the relationship between turning radius , vehicle speed, track slips, and sprocket speeds.


  • another solution is that whenever we need to make a turn that would normally cause a collision, we allow our turning radius to decrease until the turn becomes legal.


  • so you end up with a 60-foot lift that weighs 31,500 pounds and has a nearly 20-foot turning radius to its outside edge.


  • the turning radius increases with the lengthening of rear tandem axle wheelbase;


  • hydromechanical transmission, four-wheel drive offer larger driving force and breakout force: light and flexible small turning radius is particularly suitable for limited field.


  • after cut of deadwood, the relative turning radius of a ship reduces greatly, and it is more significant in small rudder angle, however the course stability becomes worse.


  • however, to achieve a specific turning radius and vehicle speed, certain kinematic relationships have to be satisfied.


  • result shows the double guide rod automotive steering actuator not only can be simply designed but also could get smaller turning radius compared with traditional steering system.


  • c shows the application of a turning radius for curved turns.


  • the skateboard has excellent damping properties and the function for relatively regulating turning radius by horizontally moving the skateboard with human bodies during the turning.


  • this paper describes the relationships between ship' speed to ground, turning radius and rate of turning during constant turning of a ship.

