Perhaps the Age of Excess had to end before we could all turn inward just enough to rediscover the gold standard of the perfectly formed phrase, and make connections again.
No matter how rich and varied world of his fiction, grotesque, have a turn inward centripetal force-the mental pain complex.
Proponents of this approach argued that it was time for the states and cities to reduce their dependency on Washington and to turn inward for solutions to their social and economic problems.
Do twin propellers turn inward or outward when going ahead?
The danger in this type of response is that if your anger isn「t allowed outward expression, it can turn inward - on yourself.
But there is also the temptation — at a time of economic crisis — for lawmakers to turn inward rather than seek economic opportunity in continued American leadership abroad.
Essentially it is what happens when the cash-strapped stabilizing forces of the world turn inward and grow allergic to expensive overseas distractions.
And that brings with it a temptation to turn inward -- to think of our own pursuits, and not the sweep of history;
There is a danger that countries will turn inward and as a result international cooperation could falter.
Instead of spending so much time focusing on what is not working, turn inward and ask how you can improve yourself?
It is only when you turn inward and find your own way home that there will be an opportunity for real ascension.
As it did later, in other cities and other schools, my tendency to turn inward protected me from life」s difficulties, but it also deprived me of life「s riches.
As each of us begins to turn inward and learns to become their own 「Creator」 a very logical place to turn into may be one」s own body.