turn loose中文,turn loose的意思,turn loose翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:28 浏览次数 10

turn loose

英[tə:n lu:s]美[tɚn lus]


turn loose 英语释义


    1. to cause to move around an axis or a center make rotate or revolve
    turn a wheel turn a crank

    2. to cause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting)
    turned the knob till the door opened

    3. to affect or alter the functioning of (something, such as a mechanical device) or the level of (something, such as sound) by such movement
    turn the oven to 400° turn the music to full volume

    4. to execute or perform by rotating or revolving
    turn handsprings

    5. to twist out of line or shape wrench
    had turned his ankle

    6. to cause to change position by moving through an arc of a circle
    turned her chair to the fire

    7. to cause to move around a center so as to show another side of
    turn the page

    8. to cause (a scale) to move so as to register weight

    9. to revolve mentally think over ponder

    10. to reverse the sides or surfaces of invert
    turn pancakes turn the shirt inside out : such as

    11. to dig or plow so as to bring the lower soil to the surface
    turn the compost weekly

    12. to make (a garment) over by reversing the material and resewing
    turn a collar

    13. to invert (something, such as a character, rule, or slug) feet up and face down in setting type

    14. to reverse or upset the order or disposition of
    everything was turned topsy-turvy

    15. to disturb or upset the mental balance of derange, unsettle
    a mind turned by grief

    16. to set in another especially contrary direction

    17. to bend or change the course of divert
    a battle that turned the tide of history

    18. to bend a course around or about round
    turned the corner at full speed

    19. to cause to retreat
    used fire hoses to turn the mob

    20. to alter the drift, tendency, or expected result of

    21. to direct or point (something, such as the face) in a specified way or direction

    22. to present by a change in direction or position
    turning his back to his guests

    23. to direct (something, such as the attention or mind) toward or away from something

    24. to direct the employment of apply, devote
    turned his skills to the service of humankind

    25. to cause to rebound or recoil
    turns their argument against them

    26. to make antagonistic prejudice
    turn a child against its mother

    27. to cause to go in a particular direction
    turned our steps homeward

    28. drive, send
    turn cows to pasture turning hunters off his land

    29. to convey or direct out of an inverted receptacle
    turn the mixture into a baking dish

    30. to bring to bear (as by aiming, pointing, or focusing) train
    turned the light into the dark doorway turned a questioning eye toward her

    31. to make acid or sour

    32. to change the color of (foliage)

    33. convert, transform
    turn defeat into victory

    34. translate, paraphrase

    35. to cause to become of a specified nature or appearance
    turned him into a frog embarrassment turned her face red

    36. to exchange for something else
    turn coins into paper money

    37. to cause to defect to another side

    38. to shape especially in a rounded form by applying a cutting tool while revolving in a lathe

    39. to give a rounded form to by any means
    turn the heel of a sock

    40. to shape or mold artistically, gracefully, or neatly
    a well turned phrase

    41. to make a fold, bend, or curve in:

    42. to form by bending
    turn a lead pipe

    43. to cause (the edge of a blade) to bend back or over blunt, dull

    44. to gain in the course of business
    turning a quick profit

    45. to keep (money, goods, etc.) moving specifically to dispose of (a stock) to make room for another

    46. to make use of
    turned her education to advantage

    47. to carry to completion pull off
    turned a double play turn a deal

    48. to engage in (an act of prostitution)
    turn tricks

    49. to move around on an axis or through an arc of a circle rotate

    50. to become focused on something specified
    the conversation turned to baseball

    51. to have as a decisive factor hinge
    the argument turns on a point of logic the outcome of the game turned on an interception

    52. to have a center (as of interest) in something specified
    the discussion turned on the overall worth of the project

    53. to become giddy or dizzy spin
    heights always made his head turn

    54. to direct one's course

    55. to reverse a course or direction
    the tide has turned

    56. to have a reactive usually adverse effect

    57. to take a different course or direction
    turned toward home the main road turns sharply to the right

    58. to change position (as of one's head) so as to face another way
    everyone turned to stare

    59. to face toward or away from someone or something
    flowers turn toward the light

    60. to change one's attitude or reverse one's course of action to one of opposition or hostility
    felt the world had turned against him

    61. to make a sudden violent assault especially without evident cause
    dogs turning on their owners

    62. to direct one's attention to or away from someone or something

    63. to have recourse refer, resort
    turned to a friend for help turned to his notes for the exact figures

    64. to direct one's efforts or activity devote or apply oneself
    turned to the study of the law turned to a life of crime

    65. to change one's religion

    66. to go over to another side or party defect

    67. to become changed, altered, or transformed
    the weather turned : such as

    68. to change color
    the leaves have turned

    69. to become sour, rancid, or tainted
    the milk had turned

    70. to be variable or inconstant

    71. to become mentally unbalanced become deranged

    72. to become different

    73. to pass from one state to another change
    water had turned to ice

    74. become, grow
    his hair had turned gray the weather turned bad just turned twenty

    75. to become someone or something specified by change from another state change into
    turn pro doctors turned authors

    76. to change by the passage of time
    days turned into weeks and months

    77. to become curved or bent (as from pressure) especially to become blunted by bending
    the edge of the knife had turned

    78. to operate a lathe

    79. to be stocked and disposed of change hands

    80. to refuse to see be oblivious
    might turn a blind eye to the use of violence
    — Arthur Krock

    81. to refuse to listen

    82. to give a sign of distress or disturbance
    did not turn a hair when told of the savage murder
    — The Times Literary Supplement (London)

    83. to become of a different color

    84. blush, flush

    85. to grow pale

    86. to attract favorable attention
    the car's sleek design is bound to turn heads

    87. to set free
    turned loose the captured animal

    88. to free from all restraints
    turned them loose with a pile of theme paper to write whatever they liked
    — Elizabeth P. Schafer

    89. to fire off discharge

    90. to open fire

    91. reject, deny
    would be turning one's back on history
    — Pius Walsh

    92. forsake
    turned his back on his obligations

    93. to set to work apply oneself

    94. to cause to become infatuated or conceited
    success had not turned his head

    95. to disgust completely nauseate
    the foul smell turned his stomach

    96. to turn away so as to flee

    97. to respond to injury or unkindness with patience forgo retaliation

    98. to bring about a reversal of the relative conditions or fortunes of two contending parties

    99. to bring about the desired result or effect

    100. capsize, overturn

    101. the action or an act of turning about a center or axis revolution, rotation

    102. any of various rotating or pivoting movements in dancing or gymnastics

    103. the action or an act of giving or taking a different direction change of course or posture
    an illegal left turn : such as

    104. a drill maneuver in which troops in mass formation change direction without preserving alignment

    105. any of various shifts of direction in skiing

    106. an interruption of a curve in figure skating

    107. a place at which something turns, turns off, or turns back bend, curve

    108. deflection, deviation

    109. the action or an act of turning so as to face in the opposite direction reversal of posture or course
    an about turn the turn of the tide

    110. a change effected by turning over to another side
    a turn of the cards

    111. an act or deed affecting another especially when incidental or unexpected
    one good turn deserves another

    112. a place, time, or opportunity accorded an individual or unit of a series in simple succession or in a scheduled order
    waiting her turn in line

    113. a period of action or activity go, spell
    took a turn at the piano

    114. a period or tour of duty shift

    115. a short act or piece (as for a variety show) also public appearance performance
    makes frequent guest star turns

    116. an event in any gambling game after which bets are settled

    117. the order of the last three cards in faro —used in the phrase call the turn

    118. an act of changing alteration, modification
    a nasty turn in the weather

    119. a change in tendency, trend, or drift
    hoped for a turn in his luck a turn for the better an unexpected turn of events

    120. the beginning of a new period of time the time when one period changes to the next
    the turn of the century

    121. a fashioning of language or arrangement of words manner of expression
    skillful turns of phrase

    122. distinctive quality or character

    123. the shape or mold in which something is fashioned cast

    124. a short trip out and back or round about
    took a turn through the park

    125. something that revolves around a center: such as

    126. lathe

    127. a catch or latch for a cupboard or cabinet door operated by turning a handle

    128. a musical ornament consisting of a group of four or more notes that wind about the principal note by including the notes next above and next below

    129. a special purpose or requirement —used chiefly in the phrase serve one's turn

    130. the state or manner of being coiled or twisted

    131. a single round (as of rope passed about an object or of wire wound on a core)

    132. natural or special ability or aptitude bent, inclination
    a turn for logic an optimistic turn of mind

    133. a special twist, construction, or interpretation
    gave the old yarn a new turn

    134. a disordering spell or attack (as of illness, faintness, or dizziness)

    135. a nervous start or shock
    snuck up on her and gave her quite a turn

    136. a complete transaction involving a purchase and sale of securities also a profit from such a transaction

    137. turnover sense 1a

    138. something turned or to be turned: such as

    139. a character or slug inverted in setting type

    140. a piece of type placed bottom up

    141. on every occasion continually
    they opposed her at every turn

    142. one after another in regular succession

    143. variously, alternately
    a book that is by turns pedantic, delightful, and infuriating

    144. in due order of succession

    145. at the point of turning
    tide is on the turn

    146. not in due order of succession
    play out of turn

    147. at a wrong time or place and usually imprudently
    talking out of turn

    148. to perfection

    149. to move around a central point

    150. to cause your body or a part of your body to face a different direction

    151. to cause (something or a side of something) to face an opposite or different direction

    152. an opportunity or responsibility to do or use something before or after other people

    153. an act of turning something around a central point

    154. an act of changing the direction that someone or something is facing or moving in

    155. to change in position usually by moving through an arc of a circle
    They turned and walked away. Turn the pancakes over.

    156. to change course or direction
    The road turns to the left.

    157. to move or direct toward or away from something
    We turned toward home.

    158. to become or cause to become a certain way
    The weather turned leaves red.

    159. change entry 1 sense 1, transform
    turn lead into gold

    160. to move or cause to move around a center rotate
    The earth turns on its axis.

    161. to twist so as to bring about a desired end
    Turn the key to unlock the door.

    162. to go around
    We turned the corner.

    163. to reach or pass beyond
    Soon she will turn ten.

    164. to become or make very unfriendly
    We were friends until she turned on me.

    165. to pass from one state to another become
    The weather turned cold.

    166. execute sense 2, perform
    turn somersaults

    167. to set in another and especially an opposite direction
    It's difficult to turn the car on such a narrow street.

    168. wrench entry 1 sense 2
    turn an ankle

    169. upset entry 1 sense 2
    His behavior turns my stomach.

    170. to make an appeal
    He turned to a friend for help.

    171. to make or become spoiled
    The milk turned.

    172. translate sense 1

    173. to give a rounded form to (as on a lathe)

    174. to lower by using a control
    Turn down the heat.

    175. refuse entry 1 sense 1, reject
    I turned down the offer.

    176. to fold back or under
    Turn down the sheets.

    177. to stop by using a control
    Remember to turn off the alarm.

    178. to change direction
    They turned off onto another road.

    179. to make work by using a control
    Turn on the light.

    180. to prove to be
    The noise turned out to be from mice.

    181. to turn off

    182. to give control or responsibility of to someone

    183. to turn so as to run away

    184. to be found or happen unexpectedly
    Don't worry, the key will turn up.

    185. to raise by or as if by using a control
    Turn up the volume.

    186. arrive sense 1

    187. the act of moving about a center
    Give the crank another turn.

    188. a change or changing of direction, course, or position
    Make a left turn.

    189. a place at which something changes direction
    a turn in the road

    190. a period of action or activity spell
    I had my turn as guard.

    191. proper place in a waiting line or time in a schedule
    Take your turn.

    192. a change or changing of the general state or condition
    Business took a turn for the better.

    193. an act affecting another
    Do a friend a good turn.

    194. a short walk or ride
    They took a turn through the park.

    195. a special purpose or need
    That will serve the turn.

    196. special quality
    a nice turn of phrase

    197. the beginning of a new period of time
    the turn of the century

    198. a single circle or loop (as of rope passed around an object)

    199. natural or special skill
    She has a turn for writing.

    200. all the time constantly, continuously
    She has managed to succeed at every turn.

    201. one after another

    202. one after the other in order

    203. precisely right
    The turkey was cooked to a turn.

    204. to injure by twisting or wrenching
    turned his ankle

    205. to have a specified decisive factor —used with on
    the first of the cases…turned on first amendment issues
    — K. A. Cohen

turn loose 例句


  • i want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves.


  • he said, i tried to turn loose and hold on at the same time while looking for the light.


turn loose 同义词




roll滚动;翻身;(眼睛)转动;在原地打滚;(马)仰卧蹬脚;左右摇晃;蹒跚;使翻车;掷(骰子);掷出(骰子数);(转动)肩膀;行驶;推;摇车窗;(液体)滚落;(时间)流逝;稳定持续的;(产品)从(机器)产出;涌流;延绵起伏;运转;卷,卷起;展开;搓成;辗;发出隆隆声;把(衣服的边)卷起来;压平;覆盖;启动;用颤音发出(辅音,尤其是 r)



swing(Swing) (美、瑞典、英)斯温(人名)




twist转动,旋转,拧;扭曲;扭伤;(棍棒)扭转力;绕轴旋转前进;(胸线)缠度;(故事或情况的)转折;急转弯处; 螺旋状的东西;(英)纸包装;卷曲花状柠檬皮;(非正式)欺骗;(棉、丝)合股线;(英)混合酒;胶缠线绒毛毯


