turn out to be
2025-01-06 21:28 浏览次数 10
turn out prove to be证明是
turn out to be fruitless结果一事无成
powderrcould turn out to be粉蓝色
prove to be结果是,证明为
turn out to be sth显现出是某事物
to turn out to be竟是
turn out to be shocked会震惊
turn out to be wrong结果是错误的
it turn out to be原来是
turn out to be true属实
result in导致,结果是
party plans turn out to be a particularly useful part of this picture.
he surmised that it might be possible that some things that seem useless or of limited applicability now would turn out to be useful in years to come (microfoundations for macroeconomics, perhaps?).
他推测,一些现在看起来似乎是无用或适用性有限的东西,几年后可能会有用处(也许是为宏观经济学提供微观基础?) 。
as the local naacp chief, he often hears allegations of racism, but many turn out to be minor or groundless.
opposition politicians say that the repeal of the isa may yet turn out to be more symbolic than real if the new laws are almost as harsh as the old ones.
if the brics pursue sound policies, however, the world we envisage here might turn out to be a reality, not just a dream.
but if faulty mitochondria do turn out to be a cause of autism, even if not in all cases, that question will have to be investigated.
if they decide they have nothing to lose, this ploy could now turn out to be a weakness.
well, it may just turn out to be an infatuation that mayfizzle out sooner than you realize.
it「s not about visionary ideas; it」s about lots of good ideas which do not seem world-changing at the time, but which turn out to be great after lots of sweat and work have been applied.
but if the uncommon traps turn out to be commonly executed, then they become hotspot paths that trigger recompilation.
however, leptin did not turn out to be the amazing cure-all for which scientists, physicians, and patients had hoped.
and what message does barack obama send to the world when four of the five books on his well-publicized summer reading list turn out to be works of fiction?
who would have thought that it would turn out to be the future king.
thousands of such incidents are reported around the world each year, though many turn out to be hoaxes or natural phenomena.
and that did, indeed, turn out to be the case in his first experiment.
if spain falls into crisis, then all current mechanisms for dealing with the crisis will turn out to be inadequate.
in places such as africa, cheap smartphones could well turn out to be people’s primary computing devices.
for consumers this may turn out to be the biggest change.
individuals can do something similar by asking not only how much they will make if they are right but also how much they could lose if they turn out to be wrong.
「it's a pain-staking process to get that perfect shot, but now i know why the movies turn out to be so good,」 airman dunk said.
the reverse side of failures in a machine as complex as the shuttle is that most of them can be worked around, or turn out to be small.
his remarks come as scientists released new data showing the first decade of this century will likely turn out to be the warmest ever.
until recently, it was generally agreed that this would turn out to be a form of string theory.
will such results turn out to be the tip of the iceberg, or will the moon remain a dry desert with slightly more moisture than we thought?
from this point of view these flat spaces around us turn out to be one possible source of dark energy for the accelerating expansion of the universe.