Soften the butter in room temperature. Whisk with sugar in a large bowl, until they turn white and just hold soft peaks.
The saying 「dews turn white first before the weather becomes cold」 means the coolness in early autumn will turn into the coldness in deep autumn.
At this time, I was reminded of the distant mountains, white snow covers the on the curve of the ups and downs and tender, will she turn white packaging.
Competition double oligarch times is entered gradually turn white - hot.
Other parents, upon learning that their child had been replaced by changelings, had their hair turn white overnight, were stunned into 36 catatonia, heart attacks, or sudden death.
Weasels that live in cold regions turn white when winter comes.
Stir-fry garlic with a little oil until fragrant. Put in spareribs and stir-fry until they turn white and the oil is expelled.
The Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is so called because of its tendency to turn white in the winter.
Pets with vitiligo may turn white on the paws, lips, and fur as well.
When exposed to the same freezing temperature, the blood vessels in women「s fingers constrict more than men」s do, which is why they turn white more quickly.
They will turn white as you select them.
Some dogs and cats will occasionally lose pigment from their noses, causing this feature to turn white or red.
How could his hair turn white overnight?
Once large areas of the picture turn white the remaining areas take on an otherworldly softness and glow.