Turpan ester土鲁番酯
turpan harmi吐哈
Turpan raisin吐鲁番葡萄干
Turpan Prefecture吐鲁番地区
turpan manuscripts吐鲁番
Turpan depressionThe Turpan Depression or Turfan Depression is a fault-bounded trough located around and south of the city-oasis of Turpan, in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region in far western China, about southeast of the regional capital ürümqi. It includes the third lowest exposed point on the Earth's surface (dry Lake Ayding, ), after the Dead Sea and Lake Assal (Djibouti).
turpan pendi吐鲁番盆地
Turpan Basin吐鲁番盆地