The Tutsi have different greetings for morning, afternoon, and evening.
Mr Kagame denies that a renegade Tutsi general, Laurent Nkunda, whose militias terrorise much of Kivu, has been armed by fellow Tutsis from Rwanda.
A Zairian Tutsi rebel child soldier takes up a hidden position in foliage on Nov. 28, 1996, near Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
That show of concern has seemed enough to halt, perhaps only briefly, the advance of the Tutsi rebels.
Nkunda says he is protecting the region「s ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area, and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government.
Maggy, a teacher, now builds homes where Hutu and Tutsi orphans live together.
By the time the colonizers granted the countries independence in the early 1960s, ethnic hostilities between Tutsi and Hutu had already led to waves of killings and retaliatory murders.
That didn」t stop the Tutsi and other elites from embracing the story of their exotic origins to better differentiate themselves from the majority Hutu.
A former Rwandan minister is being tried by an international tribunal in Tanzania for his key role as described in massacring thousands of Tutsi refugees in 1994.