Dark and brooding, in a tux and with vaguely Hollywood lights blurring behind him, he was photographed sliding a Winston seductively from its packet.
Masculine military style jacket, a black tux complete with a slim, ruffled, satin shirt.
Keith stood near the preacher in a black tux and he told me later his stomach was doing flips as he waited for it to begin.
I dressed up, he had a tux on. We went to McDonalds.
Maxwell cuts a clean line, and several of his pieces — a black tank dress with a curvy sweetheart neckline, or a layered-lapel tux — possessed a modernist bent missing in a lot of evening wear.
Put a tux on, wearing a white waistcoat.
As for Justin with his tux and his side-slicked hair?
He quotes one Bush confidante as saying: 「one tux a term.」
Finnegan will wear a multilayered white gown and Fulmore will be in a tux with tapered tails to ensure their clothes don「t reveal too much.
So when she heard about Mississippi teen Constance McMillen, whose senior PROM was canceled after she caused a stir by planning to wear a tux and go with another girl, DeGeneres took action.
I wore my first tux this year to the White House Correspondents」 dinner.