it specializes in tv cabinet design, mold r&d and manufacturing, plastics manufacturing, and metal pressing products.
the basic ideas of designing plastic product and molds with gas-assisted injection molding technology are demonstrated with the mold designing of a color tv cabinet taken as an example for analysis.
the low tv cabinet on the right is a nice height for viewing, yet doesn「t overpower the room.
there is a box in the tv cabinet drawer, third from the top, and you can see the letter i left you in the box.
in this paper, we studied the simulation and manufacture of colour tv cabinet by gas-assisted injection molding compared to injection molding.
in this paper, the finite element mesh generation of color tv cabinet is described in detail. the work in this paper is a part of the structural analyses sub-system of the tv cad system-ceds.
ami echoed the style of the tv cabinet with a tufted-velvet headboard, which was part of a tempur-pedic bed with adjustable height options for the ultimate sleeping and television experience.