twice a week中文,twice a week的意思,twice a week翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:29 浏览次数 9

twice a week

英[twais ə wi:k]美[twaɪs e wik]


twice a week 片语


twice e a week一周两次

wash twice a week一周洗衣两次

taw twice a week每周二次

See twice a week一个星期见两次

about twice a week大约一周两次

exercise twice a week一周锻炼两次

Swimming twice a week每周游泳两次

published twice a week每周出版两次

twice a week 例句


  • called yocas, the four-week program involved sessions of hatha and restorative yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each, in combination with breathing exercises and meditation.


  • the sisters have been coming to the park for tea at least twice a week for the last 30 years and their children and grandchildren frequent the park as well.


  • he continues to return twice a week on his 「babysitting nights」 and every other weekend, so his contact with the children hasn「t really changed.

    在每周两次的「照顾孩子之夜」、以及每隔一个周 的周末,他还是会回来,因此他与孩子的接触实际上并未改变。

  • she said that she couldn」t make a living in her chosen profession and that not even her moonlighting twice a week could put her out of the financial quagmire she was in.


  • the other half received acupuncture therapy once or twice a week during the 12-week study.


  • hundreds of elderly shanghai residents make their way to ikea twice a week for an informal lonely hearts club.


  • twice a week protesters gather outside stuttgart’s railway station to object to its partial demolition.


  • despite all of these sales – he supposedly 「sold」 the brooklyn bridge twice a week – he was only convicted of fraud three times.

    在所有的买卖里,据说仅布鲁克林大桥他就一周里「卖」了两次。 但他仅仅以诈骗罪被审判过三次。

  • robert bly: donald hall and i have been sending poems back and forth twice a week for forty years.


  • twice a week he wakes up in his manhattan apartment at 5:30 a.m. to prepare for his classes, one on borges and the other on creative writing and techniques of the novel, before boarding a train.

