in silence, he shins up a neem tree near the hut, breaks a twig from it, and slithers down again.
so the copernicus commissioned a special poll to try and twig why these bright young things don「t visit, and what could be done in order to draw them in.
twig is particularly useful for large documents, allowing processing of segments of the document without parsing the entire document.
he broke off the twig with a snap.
staring by turn at sarju and at his guests, the man splits the twig down the middle and gives his tongue a good scrape with its green inner parts.
trees and bushes were covered with hoarfrost, and looked like a forest of white coral, while on every twig glittered frozen dew-drops.
on his way home, as he was riding through a green thicket, a hazel twig brushed against him and knocked off his hat. then he broke off the twig and took it with him.
now we and chimps must share a twig in the family tree, and the hominidae has been expanded to encompass the other 「great apes」—chimps, gorillas, and orangutans.
现在,我们与黑猩猩在系谱图上同享一个一个支脉。 人科所包含的范围已经扩展,包括其他的「类人猿」——黑猩猩、大猩猩和红毛猩猩。
that did raise the question, though, of why one twig of the great dinosaur tree had developed such strange outer vestments, even before it developed wings.
one of the symbols of the city, which perches on th e top of the cathedral, is a sparrow witha twig in its month, intent on building its nest.
miswak is a teeth cleaning twig used mainly in the middle east, pakistan and india.
and in her practical way she scraped together a small square of dust, and with a twig from a pigeon」s nest began drawing a map on the floor.
and i broke off a twig with a certain number of leaves upon it, and twined around it a little moss
a tiny twig of the facial never, the one to the muscles of her mouth, has been severed. she will be thus form now on.