Designs and computations were made for major components such as twisting moment of the valve axle, neck and air jar diameter.
A principle and method are presented which are applied to measure twisting moment and rotation velocity with the help of microcomputer.
However, those with a low (30 Nm) average twisting moment at the end of the first session experienced a significantly (P lower rate of low back disorder than controls.
After the instrument is demarcated, it can be used to measure the no load twisting moment of the ball lead screw and its variation.
So the calculation of the proportion of twisting moment between the front bar and back bar is based on an accurate calculation.
It is pointed that design principle and processing principium for stable twisting moment tapping machine. And reliability of the construct is confirmed through testing of self made tapping machine.
Universal joint, a key part of main drive system in rolling mill, has the characteristics of complicated structure and bearing impact twisting moment when working.
No maintaining measures such as lubrication and twisting moment is needed, so the maintenance cost is decreased.