compositional symmetry yields some of the most memorable paintings, especially when two halves react to one another, as in the creation of adam or american gothic.
there are two halves to achieving a new reality: you must have time to dream, and you must take action.
but the 500km of wiring in the two halves did not match up, causing huge problems.
two halves of the wooden pinch stand use the weight of your bicycle to firmly lock the rear wheel into place. [link]
in management the brain「s two halves are the financial side and the human side.
over time, though, he managed to integrate the two halves ofhis mind and his career.
the time lenses that were created for this experiment were split time lenses. essentially, two halves of a lens were placed so that the points met in the middle.
hoping to maintain peace in what can often be a violent country, elites from the two halves have shared power for the last 12 years by working out deals among themselves.
part of my stroll took me across the newly completed bridge that binds together the two halves of winnetka.
if i want to continue the sentence after the sample code, xhtml 1 forces me to put the two halves of the split sentence into two different p elements, when semantically they」re in the same paragraph.
如果我想要在示例代码之后继续该语句,xhtml1 会强制我把语句分成两部分放在两个不同的p元素中,不过从语义上说它们位于同一个语句中。
in this scenario, the presence of the common customer data service divides the new solution into two halves
the upside: one english muffin -- two halves -- has half as many calories as two slices of bread. so it\\\「s better for a breakfast sandwich.
someone of you may know that there」s been experiments in which, for one reason or the other, the two halves of the brain have been separated.
marshall has put together a seven-step program designed to restore loving communication between the two halves of a couple.
at the end of the sequence of images, the two halves of the split prominence appear to be sucked back into deeper layers of the sun like water pulled down a drain.
so what i saw in that incident was these two halves of myself — my catholic half and my chinese half — coming into conflict.