an old-established two-party system is giving way to a far more polarising class divide. and the rule of law has been circumvented by both sides.
one easy lesson is to start playing the two-party system to their advantage.
mr keller marvels that the two-party system survived such upheavals as the civil war and the industrial revolution.
had his predecessors benefited from today「s oil prices venezuelans would almost certainly not have abandoned their 40-year experiment with a two-party system in favour of an outsider like mr chávez.
thus in this period, the subject concerning two-party system and party competes becomes hot point.
none of these facts points to a winner-takes-all conclusion, or even a two-party system such as we now see with personal computers (sorry, linux - you」re still our favorite hobby os).
the narrow two-party system we have right now has not served us very well.
it was the period of the establishment of the two-party system and the key period of economic and territorial expansion of the country.
one factor contributing to the two-party system in the united states is the single-member district system of electing representatives.
our country「s political system in the form of multi-parties」 cooperation is fundamentally different from the western two-party system and the multi-party political system.