1. possessing only the truth-values of truth and falsehood two-valued logic — compare many-valued
two-valued 片语
two-valued function二值函数
two-valued computer二值计算机
decorrelation of two complex-valued vectors复向量不相关
two-valued formula二值公式
Two-Valued Evaluation二元价值评判
two-valued orientation二值倾向
two-valued variable二值变量
two-valued property[数]
two-valued language双元价值的语言
two-valued 例句
The traditional model for utterance understanding is the code model based on the two-valued logic, which, however, cannot interpret how conversational implicature is inferred from utterance.
The form of macro-particle is a close successive region in two-valued micro-particle image, and thedetection of microparticles is actually that of close successive regions.
From the syntactical point of view, the concept of the syntactic truth degree of formulas is proposed in two-valued propositional logic system.