v. 系;(用带子)系紧;把……打结;打(结、蝴蝶结);束缚;连接;(使)有关联;在……之间置系梁;用连接符连接(音符);连音演奏;打成平局(tie 的现在分词)
2025-01-06 21:31 浏览次数 8
v. 系;(用带子)系紧;把……打结;打(结、蝴蝶结);束缚;连接;(使)有关联;在……之间置系梁;用连接符连接(音符);连音演奏;打成平局(tie 的现在分词)
tying agreement搭卖协议
Tying Forceps系线镊
Tying market搭售市场
aid tying[财政]
string tying麻绳打捆
tying good结卖品
tying fund连锁基金
Tying Arrangements捆绑销售安排
Tying Arrangement搭售协议
tying up捆绑;穿吊
two men and a woman face life in jail for tying a teenager to a tree, pouring petrol down his throat and setting him alight in a gruesome re-creation of a scene from a horror film.
两男一女面临牢狱生活,因为他们涉嫌将一名少年绑在树上,往他的喉咙中倒入汽油再放火焚烧。 再现了恐怖片中的可怕一幕。
tying software to a service, ensures that it adds value, so this principle fits nicely with soa.
there are also more examples and detail for the standard scalar, array, and hash tying methods.
the alliances also make china and international oil companies more codependent on each other「s success, tying together china」s energy security with the security of global energy supplies.
tying a variable is basically the binding of functions to the internal triggers for reading and writing that variable.
when it comes to choosing your mits think about tying one or more of them each day to your short or long term goals.
i read an article that recommended tying up your dog outside in front of your house on halloween night to keep pranksters away.
most other countries thought this would only complicate matters, particularly if it meant tying up greek assets due for privatisation.
zoellick, the president of the world bank, who suggested this week that the world go back to tying currencies to gold — nearly 40 years after president richard m. nixon ended that linkage.
but an insider told the wall street journal stocks and shares will continue to be an important part of its compensation for employees, tying their fortunes with those of the company.
the decision to manage the currency tightly distorts the economy in more profound ways, notably in tying the government「s hands on interest rates.
the iraq war has also eroded the republicans」 advantage in the 「war on terror」, not least because of mr bush「s success in tying the two subjects together in the 2004 campaign.
iterate this process, tying randomly chosen pairs of buttons together with red thread.
the appeal of such programs is obvious, but the consequences of tying grades to goods are still uncertain.
and he was so engrossed in the kabuki of his work that it occurred to me how easy a mark he might make for a practical joker tying shoelaces together.
the service provider wants to be able to provide their services without tying themselves to the service consumer.
this has the potential of tying up server-side resources, because components must wait for messages to be received.
it’s also a wonderful thing, because a fresh start means you have nothing tying you down, nothing stopping you from creating the life you want.
the critique: 「obviously he」s in his seedling stage,」 federoff says. "he needs a little plant supplement under his lip, because it's not tying into the rest of his beard.
most other countries thought this would only complicate matters, particularly if it means tying up greek assets due for privatisation.
however, tying this information to the appropriate stream strategy, as you will see later, will take your solution to the next level.
places like austria and finland give their parliaments more say without tying negotiators’ hands, he notes.
the ensuing melee will force the ecb to buy a massive amount of bonds to stabilize the market, tying the fate of the peripheral countries with that of the richer core members.
it began as a joke, putting home-made salad dressing in an old wine bottle, tying it with a ribbon and giving it to friends.
avoided tying all code to particular instances of cross-cutting concern classes.
the argument is that soa is an architecture and about so much more than tying things together...