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at the rate of 120 words per minute, and typewriting at 65 words in english.
it's possible to learn typewriting very quickly.
since leaving school, i have attended the typewriting and shorthand classes, and hve now attained a speed of fifty and ninety words respectvely.
xxiv. approval by the supervisor with signature and record system for typewriting and facsimile should be implemented .
i can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute, and typewriting at 55 words per minute in english
since leaving school, i have attended typewriting and shorthand classes, and have now attained a speed of 70 and 90 words respectively.
i can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute and typewriting 55 words per minutes in english.
but the speed of the typewriting is a important part of the estimating the ability of computer.
no one is her superior in typewriting in this office.
for example, when we translate the process of typewriting with a typewriter into word processing on a computer, we are using a mechanical-age representation of a common task.