so it is a virtual impossibility to look ahead for a potential typo or even to look back at what was just read.
for example, take the simple case of a typo in the destination url.
the downside of this approach is the possibility that a typo or slight ambiguity in the signature will silently fail, which means the code will compile but 「do the wrong thing」 at runtime.
i have elevated the simple typo to an art form.
typo pirates play on the names of famous sites to collect authentication and registration information.
ted is a good system administrator who can control and run a smooth and stable system, but he is not good at correcting typo errors.
「 to very specific questions about a particular apicall or a typo in our documentation.
therapist: (laughing) hey, that was a typo and i apologized for it!
companies can feel compelled to advertise on typo domains targeting their own websites because they fear they might lose business to competitors if they do not.
today we pick up our first armed escort, alarmingly called the terrorist squad. i am hoping a simple typo has omitted the word 「anti」 from their shirts.
in the older days of aix, you would have modified this database using low-level commands that involved a high degree of risk to the server, where one typo could wreck the operating system.
if you get a php-related error (other than something to the effect of 」program not found"), then your problem is a typo in the code.
如果您得到一个与php相关的错误(除了 「未找到程序」之类的结果),则问题是代码中的输入错误。
it's a tongue typo when you trip over your words and accidentally call your friend mike instead of by his actual name, mark.