n. 打字错误
2025-01-06 21:32 浏览次数 10
n. 打字错误
1. an error (as of spelling) in typed or typeset material
2. a mistake (such as a misspelled word) in typed or printed text
Typos and grammatical errors拼写与语法错误
Original typos uncorrected译海沉浮
Fixed some dialogue typos修正了一些对话错别字
Typos in some texts一些文本错误
Eleftheros TyposEleftheros Typos (, in English, "Free Press") was a daily newspaper published in Athens, founded in 1983 by the Lilian Voudouri press foundatio Eminent in liberal and conservative circles, it vied for the top sales spot in the eighties, but today trails its left-of-center competitors by a margin, though still retaining its influence.
Typos Also错别字也
lamiakos typos拉米亚报
typos s打字错误
Or Typos又或打错字
From a design perspective, some other choices are questionable; for example, the use of Strings to hold the operators opens up the possibility of small typos leading to erroneous results.
Probably this happens more often because of typos in URLs than for any other reason, but link rot, back-end misconfiguration, URL mangling at various points, and other causes contribute.
This practice will help avoid costly typos and speed up execution of changes at execution time.
Using a shell script for complex starting sequences is highly recommended to minimize typos and 「thinkos.」
对于复杂的启动序列,强烈建议使用一个shell脚本,以最小化typos和 「thinkos」。
You don「t have to remember a particular file name, or risk typos in directory or file paths.
It is intuitively plausible that an algorithm based on these operations would work well for spelling correction, since typos are nothing more than these operations interpreted as keying errors.
It」s a good thing we didn「t dwell too long on the typos — the mass distribution of information through printed books and papers has fundamentally reshaped the world.
Anticipate misspellings and typos and turn on-site search into an asset.
This scenario, however, opens the doors for typos especially if you have many AIX boxes, so it should only be considered if you administer a few boxes.
但是,这种方法会增加输入量,尤其是在有许多AIX 系统的情况下,所以应该只在管理少量系统的情况下考虑采用它。
This doesn」t just mean looking for typos and grammatical mistakes - it means polishing up your writing until it「s as good as possible.
But sometimes, the researchers inserted typos in the word as it appeared on screen, when the students hadn」t made one.
Common faults picked up by these pragmas are ambiguous references and de-references, use of undefined values, and some help identifying typos for unused or undefined functions.
If instead errors are displayed, you likely have a syntax error and need to review your document carefully for typos or missing tags and punctuation.
When the fingers slipped up, they paused a split second longer than usual before typing the next letter. But they didn「t pause when fake typos appeared on-screen only.
But it」s not just your eyes catching typos when you see them on the screen. Your hands know when you mess up too.
This handy little feature will help you catch typos very quickly.
Completely aside from typos and other user-input errors, there「s always been an uneasy relationship between displaying formatted numeric text and receiving numeric text input from the same field.
But it」s not just your eyes catching typos when you see them on the screen.