Rather than disabling it entirely, you can disable just for administrators, disable the secure desktop, or even create shortcuts to disable UAC for a specific application.
Even then, they were bombarded by UAC interruptions, demanding permission to continue with whatever they were trying legitimately to do.
The UAC initiates the session and the UAS will accept the session.
There are at least 4 different ways that we can tweak UAC to be less annoying, most of which I「ve written about before.
One of the on-going problems in the Windows community is the need to run applications with administrator privileges. This has led to questionable designs like the UAC 「feature」 in Windows Vista.
When you are trying to make configuration changes, it seems like every couple of seconds you are hitting another UAC prompt.
Disable UAC from the Command line.
If it works and there is no longer any no connection error, then enable UAC again.
The single biggest irritation in Windows Vista is the UAC (User Account Control) system, especially for people that do a lot of tweaking.
Disable UAC Prompts for Administrators Only
However, we couldn」t put together a list of Vista annoyances without including some methods to make UAC just a little less annoying.
Nevertheless, I「d prefer to have you run Windows Vista without UAC than having you run a different operating system.
The following describes the process flow displayed in the UAC architecture diagram and how UAC is implemented when an executable attempts to launch.
How does task manager elevate without UAC Prompt?
The UAS portion can receive and process the requests, while the UAC determines how to initiate one or more associated outbound calls.
Once a system is configured, you」ll rarely see UAC prompts unless you're an inveterate settings tweaker.
Now, you can take advantage of ASP.NET provider services and also embed UAC manifests for application running on Windows Vista.
现在, 从ASP.NET提供商的服务和为运行于WindowsVista系统上的应用程序嵌入UAC验证中,你能获益多多.