abbr. 大学学院(University College)连接电缆(umbilical cable);设备冷却器(unit cooler);大写字体(upper case);统一通信(unified communications)
2025-01-06 21:33 浏览次数 15
abbr. 大学学院(University College)连接电缆(umbilical cable);设备冷却器(unit cooler);大写字体(upper case);统一通信(unified communications)
1. uppercase
UC Tower城建国际中心
CServer UC中服统一通信平台
QQ uc不能上网
UC Dublin都柏林大学
uc berkeley加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)
Nilai UC马来西亚汝来大学
Chichester UC齐切斯特大学学院
UC Falmouth法尔茅茨大学
UC Merced加州大学默塞德分校
UC Berkeley「s Barth notes that Ripley is part of a larger trend in solutions that protect the integrity of client-side code by assuring that no unauthorized behavior can occur.
「As a result, some people believe that e-cigarettes are a safe substitute for conventional cigarettes,」 said Prue Talbot, the director of UC Riverside」s Stem Cell Center, whose lab led the research.
The new UC Davis study was supported by the Advancing Theory in Biology program at the U.S. National Science Foundation.
They are collaborating with UC Berkeley neuroscientists who use games to improve the prefrontal cortex function, and thus the reasoning ability, of school-age children.
UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah later join.
The cuts threaten the legacy of two visionaries, Edmund 「Pat」 Brown, governor from 1959 to 1967, and Clark Kerr, who was in charge of the UC during those years.
Hastings, a professor in the UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy, is one of the world「s top experts in using mathematical models (sets of equations) to understand natural systems.
UC Berkeley students with an interest in real-time strategy games and the competitive gaming landscape are encouraged to participate in this class.
Researchers will work with local hospitals, starting with UC Irvine Medical Center, to begin studying patients in the first days after a stroke.
「Perhaps life clings to these patches where entropy is going up, since we need the arrow of time to exist,」 UC Davis」s Albrecht said.
UC is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum.
Levy is a professor of medicine and director of the UC San Francisco's Laboratory for Tumor and AIDS Virus Research.
That same professor wrote a letter of reference for my transfer to a UC school, and then again for my graduate school applications.
Students in UC - Berkeley can take up StarCraft studies for college credits.
UC San Diego created a trumpet that not only detects the exact pitch being played, but can bend that pitch in real time to hit the proper note-a sort of auto-tune for the brass section.
Plans by Russian aluminum giant UC Rusal to go public in Hong Kong by as soon as year-end offer the latest data point.
The PBDE study was part of a decade-long project by the UC Berkeley scientists to examine whether environmental factors are harming the health of Salinas Valley mothers and children.
Both the UC and Cal State are planning to send professors and staff on leave, cram more students into classrooms and offer fewer courses.
Jeffrey Wasserstrom is a Professor of History at UC Irvine and Asia Editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books.