A point to note here is that if this approach is followed, the calls to the original UDF will have to be modified so that they now execute the stored procedure, and supply an extra OUT parameter.
Typically, the UDF is used in the select list of a SQL query.
Please note that this function utilizes BIT_OR UDF we wrote to operate on bit-like data type parameters.
注意,该函数使用了我们编写的BIT _ ORUDF对类似于位数据类型的参数进行运算。
Creating an external UDF should be used as a last resort.
The first option that you should try is to create it as an SQL UDF in DB2 by modifying the code.
应该首先尝试通过修改代码创建DB2 内部的SQLUDF。
The singleton provides us with the means to store another object that is used for the aggregation done in each UDF in the SQL statement.
单件为我们提供了一种可以将SQL语句中每一个UDF 进行聚集计算时需要的数据存储在另外的对象当中的方式。
The next UDF performs EXLUSIVE OR operation between two given integer values as translated to binary expressions
The DB2 SOAP UDF program uses these input parameters to launch a SOAP/HTTP request on behalf of the SQL client.
Listing 14 is an example of a UDF that you can create to emulate MySQL's non-standard but commonly used NOW function.
The new table UDF and view for compression information
When a UDF receives a ROW as argument, it can find out the number of columns that are defined, their names, their types and their content.
The getAggregateResult UDF (set in italics) needs to decode the binary string and access the correct aggregation object.
Convert the UDF to a stored procedure.
To resolve the problem, run UDF in an unfenced mode or reduce database Shared memory set to no more than 5 segments.
The quality of the UDF and procedure migrations depend on the complexity of the source code.
File name: the name of the file used by the UDF for writing the script.
Listing 1 shows a simple UDF for handling cases where baseline data for an object does not exist, or where counter rollover has occurred (an unlikely scenario, but it is handled).