n. 乌干达人,乌干达居民
adj. 乌干达的,乌干达人的;与乌干达有关的
2025-01-06 21:33 浏览次数 4
n. 乌干达人,乌干达居民
adj. 乌干达的,乌干达人的;与乌干达有关的
"Ugandan game parks"
Ugandan king postpones town rally乌干达国王推迟城镇访问计划
Ugandan shillinki乌干达
Ugandan Matoke乌干达蕉饭
Ugandan shilling the basic unit of money in Uganda; equal to 100 cents
同义词: shilling
Ugandan Super LeagueThe Ugandan Super League is the top division of the Federation of Uganda Football Associations, it was created in 1968.
ugandan detail乌干达人
Once the miner「s symptoms were noted, local carers put him in a makeshift isolation ward and the Ugandan ministry of health sent in its rapid-response team.
At the end of July, Congo」s army captured four Ugandan soldiers who it claimed had illegally strayed across the border that divides Lake Albert.
Though this may have persuaded him to negotiate with the Ugandan government in the first place, it also made later peace talks trickier.
Mr Musyoka went to Uganda to back President Yoweri Museveni「s election campaign; in return the Ugandan leader promised to back a deferral of the Kenyan cases.
The Ugandan president, Yoweri Museveni, who has held power since 1986, is facing serious opposition from a region that was previously the bedrock of his support.
Some motorcycle taxi drivers proudly fly the star spangled banner in place of the Ugandan flag which normally adorns their wing-mirror.
Some senior Ugandan soldiers have called for drone attacks against the rebels.
The Ugandan project, Fruits of the Nile, harnesses the power of the sun to dry fruit.
At least, this is what the Ugandan government claims.
Troops from Uganda, Congo and South Sudan, backed by Ugandan air raids and American intelligence, hammered the LRA」s camps towards the end of last year.
In another TCP project, FAO at request of the Ugandan Government addressed the problem of rural malnutrition, especially lack of animal protein.
An Irish aid worker and her Ugandan colleague have been released from captivity four months after being kidnapped in Sudan.
Mr Pearmain points out that Ugandan oil is waxy, and so likely to solidify in a pipeline unless heated.
And, though most of the killings of civilians have occurred on its soil, Congo wants Ugandan troops to pull out completely ahead of Congo「s presidential elections next month.
He reaffirmed that the Ugandan government will unswervingly adhere to the 「one China」 policy.
On Wednesday, one more peacekeeper」s name was added to that list, when a Ugandan peacekeeper was killed in the Darfur region of Sudan.
After the monitoring and patient care activities that lasted several weeks, the Ugandan health ministry this week announced the containment of the Ebola outbreak in Bundibugyo.
「It shows we need to do more research in Africa for Africans,」 says Peter Oluput-Oluput, a Ugandan doctor.
The Ugandan government and people are deeply grateful and would like to further the unity and cooperation with China.
Or it might fail as past efforts, Ugandan and American, have failed.
The team has been conducting field trials for over a year in Australia, and expects to test the technology on Ugandan soil this year, making the banana the first biotech crop to be field tested there.
And Libyan companies have taken shares in the Ugandan telecom and banking sectors.
In 2007, Ugandan field trials of the first Leuven uber-banana were announced, although public distaste of the idea of GM foods may impede its long term success.