1. a Japanese art movement that flourished from the 17th to the 19th century and produced paintings and prints depicting the everyday life and interests of the common people also the paintings and prints themselves
ukiyoe 片语
Place above ukiyoe hall上方浮世绘馆
Hiris Ukiyoe鸢尾花
Iris Ukiyoe鸢尾浮世绘
Ukiyoe Heart浮世绘心
the ukiyoe浮世绘
Ukiyoe Tarot浮世绘塔罗
ukiyoe prints浮世绘
Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum上方浮世绘馆
genre painting风俗画(以日常生活为题材之写实画);浮世绘
ukiyoe 例句
the ukiyoe is the most profound artistic form in japanese history, of which beauty painting plays a very important role and spreads far and wide.
the japanese handbill poster notices and the ukiyoe have very deep origin and so on.