ultimate load-carrying capacity
2025-01-06 21:34 浏览次数 9
according to nonlinear finite element analysis, the ultimate load-carrying capacity of tensegrity system is discussed based on the buckling of struts.
then the ultimate load-carrying capacity and the vertical top displacement of elastic steel arches are computed for different restrictions, different loads and different section sizes.
this paper presents the experimental investigation and theoretical analysis for the ultimate load-carrying capacity of axially loaded compression member of no. 18 rolled i-section.
in addition, the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the beams can be improved by increasing the prestressing force.
experiments on five typical full-scale joints are conducted to provide directly the evidence of the ultimate load-carrying capacity for the joint, and also to validate the finite element model.
the lateral deformation is one of the main control factors for the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the arch.
with the increase of span of arch bridges, ultimate load-carrying capacity has received more attention in design and construction.
the proposed model was used to calculate the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the reinforced concrete test columns subjected to biaxial eccentric compression.
in the analyses, the whole behavior, the influence of non-linearity, failure model and the influencing factor of ultimate load-carrying capacity in plane are analyzed.
the feasibility of formula put forward in national code (gb50010-2002)for the design of concrete structure on the annular cross section ultimate load-carrying capacity of rcpc is also analyzed.
web crippling is the main reason to result in the lost of the ultimate load-carrying capacity of cold-formed thin walled members.
dual none-linearity finite element method is used to analysis the whole behavior and ultimate load-carrying capacity in plane of dongguan shuidao bridge.
based on the non-linear shell element method, analysis for ultimate load-carrying capacity of tapered h-section column in plane is carried out.
finite element analysis on the ultimate load-carrying capacity of portal frame of light-weight steel structure at vertical symmetrical load;
this paper studies round steel tubular members on the changing of their ultimate load-carrying capacity under general damaged conditions through numerical integral method.
the effects of different load distributions on the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the bridge are investigated.