a slight rounded elevation where the malleus attaches to the eardrum
umbo 片语
Umbo CV盾心科技
umbo larvae壳顶幼虫
fibrocyte umbo纤维细胞质突起
Ural Umbo表演者
scaly umbo鳞脐
membranae tympani umbo翻译
Umbo Broadly Triangular鳞脐宽三角形
umbo drill鉆孔台车
umbo 例句
result amplitude variation laws of the stapes footplate and umbo were obtained by comparing the frequency response analytic results between the normal ear and pathological ear.
chinese baby: a lot of stationmaster hope to get money is free be not spendinged, but not be to believe such space very much, lance umbo manages!
the relative concentrations of carotenoid in nacre are closely associated with the color of nacre and tend to reduce gradually from posterior to umbo region in nacre of the same shell.
my was held in july 1948, six months before our migration . umbo was the only chinese person invited and i still remember him explaining the significance of his gift to me.