objectives to vindicate the rights of medical staff and avoid the umbrage between patients and medical staff.
even in hot summer, yuanzhen cows can embrace coziness and coolness under free umbrage outside and in the cowshed, with the spray nozzles and electronic fan to maintain the temperature.
it is not like i need a movie to help me get my head right and i take umbrage at the idea that there was some lesson i had to learn from the thing, 「 downey says.」
inwardly pleased with all this, hung-chien pretended to take umbrage , saying, 「so an associate professor is a nobody, is he?」
so we can all take umbrage in that this will be the lakers true test of intestinal fortitude.
she took umbrage at my remarks about her hair.
defenders of the big three automakers have taken umbrage with the notion that automakers’ labor cost is roughly $73 per hour, compared with $48 for toyota employees in southern states.
sheltered in the umbrage of a rain forest.
you don「t think she」ll take umbrage if she isn't invited to the wedding, do you?
he took umbrage at my remarks and left.
他觉得我的话伤了他的感情, 便离开了。
ilham aliyev, the azeri president, however, took umbrage at her work.
honestly, my frowning, my loneliness, my umbrage inhabit my life and make me unhappiness all day along.
his address gave umbrage to the authorities.
the russian foreign ministry took umbrage because the round-up of suspected spies began just after dmitry medvedev wrapped up a visit to the united states.