1. a conical shadow excluding all light from a given source specifically the conical part of the shadow of a celestial body excluding all light from the primary source
2. the central dark part of a sunspot
3. a shaded area
umbral 片语
umbral operator哑算子
Umbral Rot暗影腐烂
Umbral Bloom一种花
umbral index哑指标
umbral oscillations本影振蕩
Umbral Shiv阴影剃刀
umbral grotto阴影石穴
Umbral Visor虚影覆面
Umbral Disk阴影圆盘
umbral 例句
Usually annular eclipses are referred to solar eclipses, as Earth「s umbral shadow is always large enough for the whole Moon to hide inside during a lunar eclipse.
Pictured above, the face of a full moon is partly blocked by Earth」s clouds, and partly darkened on the upper right by Earth「s umbral shadow.
During totality, the Moon tracked through the northern part of the Earth」s dark umbral shadow, so the southern half appeared considerably darker than the northern part.