adj. 未完成的;没成就的
2025-01-07 11:01 浏览次数 1
adj. 未完成的;没成就的
1. not accomplished incomplete, unfinished
2. lacking talent, poise, grace, or achievement
unaccomplished offence犯罪未遂
unaccomplished paper未经光泽处理的纸张
Unaccomplished Intention未竟之志
unaccomplished activity不纯熟工人
unaccomplished invention[专利]
unaccomplished matter未尽事宜
unaccomplished bigamy未遂重婚
unaccomplished state未遂形态
unaccomplished offender未遂
third, it is advocated to clarify the unaccomplished crime such as robbery crime and make the proper choice of punishment on the basis of 「floating object」.
it benefits to us to obtain the correct and reasonable standard of accomplishment of crime, just discussing the relations of constitutions of crime and unaccomplished crime.
if you feel unaccomplished and look around you at all the others succeeding at their life goals and dreams, then look inward at what it is that holds you in the polarity of failure.
in the past cases, unaccomplished burglary was generally regarded as the edge of crime, and was treated as innocent.
article 41: for the unaccomplished matters of this contract, it shall be according to the relevant state laws, regulations and rules to execute.
the more comprehensive objective standards should be built for unaccomplished offenders and incapable crimes in attempted crime. the legislation of attempted crime should also be further perfected.
in the last chapter, the author compare and analysis the special shape of this offence , the accomplished and unaccomplished offence, and etc.
the reasons of difference lays on the different attitude for unaccomplished offense. the former is objectivism, the latter is subjectivism.
we said above that the peasants have accomplished a revolutionary task which had been left unaccomplished for many years and have done an important job for the national revolution.
he's an unaccomplished author.
from the origin and its development process, we can see the concept of unaccomplished crime grows between the antinomy of the subjective and external theories from the date of its birth.
however, many cases of the unaccomplished cooperation often could be found.
the standard about accomplished and unaccomplished offense should be determined by the feature of ancient cultural sites or ancient tombs.
the second part is the theory basis of unaccomplished crime and the foundation of punishment.
it sums up the history evolvement of the unaccomplished crime theory, the conception and the establishing conditions of it.
since all intellectual property crimes belong to quantities crimes or plot crimes, naturally intellectual property crimes do not contain unaccomplished states.
the theory of crime constitution condition completion as logically coherent theory conflicts with our crime constitution theory and the basic of criminal responsibility of unaccomplished crimes.