the aim of intrusion tolerance database is to utilize unauthentic dbms to structure the believable database application system.
the author discusses: unauthentic information tactic, proper redundancy tactic, vagueness tactic, periphrases tactic, seeking aesthetics tactic and properly worded tactic.
if an enterprise resorts to deception or files a unauthentic application, the customs shall not accept its application for a-class administration within two years.
unauthentic circulation caused great damage to the advertisers and powerful publications and the damages will last long;
firewall is a barrier at the network border to prevent network attacks, and is the only link to unauthentic network.
the defendant argued the plaintiff's opinion was unauthentic in the court.
in the case of libel suit, the speech subject should mainly take the responsibility for rights impairment with unauthentic news of media, while the media merely have a responsibility of error.