unauthorized access to the network and mission-critical data is a constant concern.
password protection to ensure no unauthorized access to the software.
most computer users are familiar with a microsoft windows environment and with the variety of screensavers available to prevent unauthorized access to the data on the computer when unattended.
you may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any koe site or service, computer systems or networks connected to any koe site or service, through hacking, password mining or any other means.
cracker a computer hobbyist who gets kicks from gaining unauthorized access to computer systems.
seriously, at some point yesterday, customers were reporting unauthorized access to other customers’ accounts - but nothing really came of that.
system.addin has a bunch of security infrastructure (addins run in a sandbox) to ensure that components that are loaded do not have unauthorized access to data in the rest of the app.
data must be protected from unauthorized access and modification.
we maintain strict security standards and procedures to prevent unauthorized access to information about you.
attack an attempt to circumvent the security measures in place on a network either to gain unauthorized access to the system or to force a denial of service.
backdoor is a software program that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a machine and the means for remotely controlling the machine without the user「s knowledge.
is the facility perimeter protected from unauthorized access by fencing or other barrier ?
whenever information is sent over a . net work, the possibility of unauthorized access exists.
these days, executives are more concerned than ever about unauthorized access to data entrusted to their organizations.
gain or make or attempt to gain or make unauthorized access to or unauthorized use of the site, user accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the site through any means.
i don」t like being affected by spam, the social impact of many criminal activities facilitated by unauthorized access to others' it systems, and living in fear of being a target of identity fraud.