unbalanced force中文,unbalanced force的意思,unbalanced force翻译及用法

2025-01-07 11:02 浏览次数 4

unbalanced force

英[ʌnˈbælənst fɔ:s]美[ʌnˈbælənst fɔrs]


unbalanced force 例句


  • the reasons of unbalanced force distribution law are analyzed. at the same time, geomechanical model experimental research, under large-scale (250∶1), is carried out.


  • furthermore, the elastoplastic theory always minimizes the actual unbalanced force or reinforced force in the sense of a condition number in the norm of complementary energy.

    不平衡力就是两应力场差值在结点上的集中体现 ,故在总余能范数的意义上 ,按弹塑性本构关系确定的不平衡力或加固力是最小的。

  • for reinforcement of faults, the scope and direction of unbalanced force of faults are used to guide the design and analysis of reinforcement measure;


  • a case study for an arch dam shows that the analysis of unbalanced force is helpful to evaluate the structural stability and reinforcement.

    弹塑性计算确定的加固力和真解相比偏于安全。拱坝计算实例表明 ,不平衡力分析对分析结构稳定性、指导加固设计有益。

  • based on analyzing the unbalanced force of crank-connecting rod mechanism, this paper describes the balance of motorcycle single-cylinder engine according to practices home and abroad.


  • the unbalanced force is determined successfully for the 78-type 82mm recoilless gun with the equipment.


  • the effects of stator and rotor eccentricity on the magnetic field distributions, cogging torque and unbalanced force were calculated in this paper by using finite element method(fem).

