the hybrid method of compensation:three-phase compensation and split-phase compensation is used to achieve a three-phase unbalanced load reactive power compensation;
in order to improve the precision of inertial navigation system, an active filter is designed for filtering the pulsating component induced by nonlinear or unbalanced load in gyroscope power.
the reactive power and current of three-phase unbalanced load are compensated.
this paper aims at discussing the phenomenon of unbalanced load of stations in logic ring stochastic model: 1)describing the features and requirements of the system;
the control method of svc for unbalanced load is mainly researched in this paper.
at present, most of the thyristor-controlled reactor(tcr) type static var compensators(svcs) use open-loop control mode as compensation for the three-phase unbalanced load device.
the principles of four legs inverter about how to work and how to restrain the unbalanced load are studied in this dissertation.
this paper presents a new method that pir-p dual loop control based on rotating coordinates to improve the output voltage symmetry of inverter under the serious unbalanced load condition.
mathematical models for describing the degree of working steadiness of servicers in local area network in both a balanced and an unbalanced load environment have been developed.
balancing compensation of 3-ph unbalanced load with cascade inverters based statcom;
the pwm control strategy with 3-th harmonic in addition is presented for four-leg three-phase inverter, the inverter can deal with unbalanced load and has a high utilization of dc bus voltage.