1. to remove a ban or prohibition from At least 14 governments in Africa and Asia said they will unban opposition parties. — Leonard R. Sussman
unban 片语
unban garbage城市垃圾
unban kickplayer踢出所有玩家
unban survey城市测量
green light绿灯;放行;準许
unban planning城市规划
unban nanning南宁市区
unban environment城市环境
unban women市民女性
unban clearcooldowns移除目标身上的所有冷却效果
unban space城市空间
give permission準许
unban 例句
After he gave them to us, we reduced his permanent ban to a 6 months ban time, but those explainations were not considered as an unban essay .
With the spread of an unban consumer society, this trend has been inflated, or, one could simply say that the fictional quality of urban spaces has been stressed in order to attract people.
Beginning from comparing urban ecology with landscape ecology, this paper formed the original unban landscape ecosystem firstly.
That's correct unban is currently broken in the server code.
The discretion has the objective needs of its existence in unban management comprehensive enforcement. It has various manifestations.
Second, the unban newspaper has unfolded 「the mainstream」 characteristic.
Utilization of rainwater in unban landscape plays a very important role to the sustainable development of urban green space.
On the analysis of the finance problems in unban infrastucture construction, the authors draw out a concept to incentivize the private finance for urban infrastructure.